Language Visualization Plugin for JetBrains MPS

We just finished migrating the language visualization plugin to MPS 2017.3.

This extension can visualize the structure of a language graphically, in order to give insight for new people learning a language, and to save effort in creating diagrams of a language.

You will need PlantUML to make a picture of the language visualization. The visualization will be saved as mps-metamodel.txt in your home directory. Easiest is just to start PlantUML, let it point to mps-metamodel.txt, and after every visualization command, you will see the updated picture in PlantUML. Please see for more information.

Using the extension can be done in two ways (we use the Entities language ( as an example):

  1. Right-click the structure of a language and choose → Visualize Language Structure (you might need to scroll down a bit if you have mbeddr plugins installed, as there are quite some items in the pop-up menu after you right-click):


which will lead to a picture like this, when we open it in PlantUML:


  • Right-click a concept in a language’s structure and choose → Visualize Concept Context:

which will lead to a picture like this:



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